tepeyac community health center

CREA Results is working with Tepeyac Community Health Center to bring COVID-19 Vaccines and health outreach to the communities around the health center, including the neighborhoods of Globeville, Elyria-Swansea, Five Points, Cole, Whittier and into Adams and Jefferson counties.

Colorado Access

CREA Results has assembled a team of Promotors to conduct COVID-19 outreach in northeast Denver neighborhoods, including Gateway, Montbello and East Colfax neighborhoods.

Supporting frontline workers - Boulder county public health

Working with Boulder County Public Health, CREA Results was able to create 2,500 Care Packages that included 60,000 unique components of personal protective equipment to deliver to Boulder County Frontline Workers. Our Promotores created these packets, which came sealed, with care, and included high-grade equipment, including: one digital thermometer with three protective sheaths, five pairs of gloves, three sealed surgical masks, one 4oz package of hand disinfectant, four surface wipes, as well as a bilingual 46-page informational booklet.

CREA Results then worked with our team to distribute these Care Packages to Frontline Workers at over 120 locations throughout the County. We also worked with our partners at El Comite, SUMA, The Latino Chamber of Commerce, Amistad, El Paso, I Have A Dream, Latinx Voice, Boulder Housing Partners, Boulder Food Rescue, Sister Carmen and SPAN, just to name a few. We trained over 40 trusted community voices on COVID-19 health, safety and worker rights.

metro denver partnership for health

We are working with the Metro Denver Partnership for Health (MDPH)—a coalition of public health agencies and healthcare and human service organizations—to leverage our Promotora de Salud model of work to promote the importance of flu and COVID-19 vaccination. Our team has been trained and equipped with the messages, tools and resources to help engage your community and to increase flu vaccination rates and when ready, promote COVID-19 vaccination in the Denver-metro area. We hope that by collaborating together we can reach more communities and stop the spread of flu and COVID-19.

Champions for vaccine equity - Colorado department of public heath & environment

The Champions for Vaccine Equity Initiative is a new, pilot approach developed and administered by the Immunization Branch at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The purpose of the initiative is to foster relationships and dialogue with communities who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 about vaccine importance, effectiveness, and safety. The Champions involved in the initiative are healthcare providers who have medical expertise and lived experience, and who are committed to serving their communities above and beyond their full-time positions. CREA Results is working with CDPHE and their Champions to expand their reach into communities and provide additional trusted voices.